What are the changes?
The diocese is replacing fingerprinting background checks with a thorough on line system called selection.com that automatically updates each person’s record every 90 days. Once the individual has enrolled, they never have to submit to another background check.
All employees are still required to be fingerprinted. Some parish employees will still need to have a fingerprint background check every five years as required by the diocese or the law.
School and school support employees must be fingerprinted every five years. You can obtain a copy of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati selection.com release form for school and school support associates here.
Who needs a background check?
All employees are required to have a background check and all volunteers that work with children. You must be SafeParish approved by the Archdiocese and the Parish before you can work or volunteer. Parish organizations will be asked to submit the names of all their current adult volunteers to the Parish Office. The Safe Environment Coordinator will advise the parish office and the organization who needs to register with SafeParish and complete a background check.
Is a payment required for the background check?
Yes, when a volunteer registers with SafeParish they will need to complete the background check information and pay the $25 fee which can be done with a personal credit card or qualifying parishioners may request a Fastrax token from the Parish Office prior to registering. Tokens are only issued to a St. Thomas More parishioner, employee or to a non-Catholic adult who will volunteer at St. Thomas More. Please call or email the parish office at 513-753-2541 or [email protected] to verify that you qualify and need a background check. The parish office will contact the Safe Environment Coordinator to issue a token number for you. The token number can only be used once by the assigned person. Your specific token number will be inserted for payment in lieu of a credit card. The parish will not reimburse you if pay for the background check with your own credit card. Volunteers who are not parishioners need to arrange for the background check through their own parish or school and list St. Thomas More as a second location in their SafeParish account.
How will I find out the results of my background check?
When you complete the selection.com background check screens, you will be asked if you want a copy of your background check emailed to you. The parish will only contact those individuals that do not pass a background check. These individuals will be prohibited from volunteering with children.
If I am an employee and I need a copy of my Ohio BCI fingerprint report, how can I get a copy?
Employees requiring a copy of their Ohio background check report may do so by contacting the State of Ohio. For further information, please download a copy of the state's procedures.