The St. Thomas More Parish Pastoral Council consists of at least six and no more than nine parishioners serving as members-at-large, together with the Pastor and other parish organization representatives invited by the Pastor. We act as a consultative body to the Pastor, making evaluations and recommendations that:
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of most months at 7:00PM.
Our Parish Council Minutes are available on line here. There are a lot of topics discussed at the meetings regarding the parish from finance to special presentations as well as updates from the Pastor...things you don't hear at Sunday Mass. You will learn more about our parish by reading our council minutes.
Parish Council minutes are not always readily available after each meeting. They will be posted when available. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we follow the gospels, we educate ourselves and lead our parish in fulfilling our Baptismal call to discipleship through service and action to provide for the common good of all those in need.
We identify and develop resources, volunteer our services, organize events, for those in need and serve as their advocates for justice by changing the structures that deny people their dignity and rights as children of God. We strive to respect life from conception to natural death.
The St. Thomas More Finance Commission is appointed by and advises the Pastor on all major financial and operational matters concerning the Parish and School. The Committee is responsible for approving funds of all major capital projects, certifying the annual operating statement, and approving the annual budget including the school tuition and religious education program fees. The Committee is made up of professional parishioners who have a background and knowledge in operations, accounting, finance, and the law. Members include: Fr. Tim Ralston, Pastor; Lisa Casavant, Business Manager; Chris Braun, Dick Schuler, Sam DeBonis and Chris White (Chair).
MEMBERS: Fr. Tim Ralston, Lisa Casavant, Chris Braun, Sam DeBonis, and Dick Schuler
The Worship Commission works to enhance the quality of parish liturgical celebrations as well as fostering the spiritual growth of parishioners. One way the commission accomplishes this is recruiting and training ministers to server at our liturgical celebrations as lectors, ushers, greeters, coordinators, commujnion distributors, and choir members.
The Worship Commission usually meets on the third Thursday of the monthy at 7:00 PM, except during the summer.